anyway tanpa membuang masa, review as per below:
Baju akad nikah
Kain dah lama beli, 2009 tak silap. heheh..mama bought at Jakarta. masa tu taktau lagi 2011 trend bunga 2D. kelasss la mama..blh foresee trend 2011. haha..!
Design inspired when i saw it at one of wedding exhibition (click here). Hantar kt tailor biasa2 jer kt Kota Bharu, murah! upah less than RM300 jer. Before engage lagi dh siap..haa. kau! sebab baju tu part of our engagement hantaran.heh. (previous entry, click here)
So, beading- done by my aunty..alhamdulillah ada aunty pandai menjahit. yay! :)

I set my mind that im not gonna wear something like kebaya labuh/singkat for my reception. I want something modern, *ehem*chic*ehem* kelas gitu.. so masa tu tak tau nk dress mcmana..refer to previous entry.
and i realized that i love mermaid style. sbb ada ekor and nampak selim. haha. amongst of design i like kat sini. Albeit got some issues here n there, but still I LOVE my dress!! hehe :D
Designer tak lain tak bukan, our controversial designer, Wan Huzairil..(yg design baju sexy Mieyra Leyana tuh)

Hubs baju melayu suit- also from Wan Huzairil, siap bagi keris betul2 tu..

Click here for previous entry for dress
(scheduled entry)