tgn sy sorg xpe.

bersama2 rakan2 sy...class giteww..
pose pakai kasut mesti

kene cari epal kah??mungkin kita replace dgn benda lain...

pose tunjuk kasut..hahaa
bulu mata sape paling pjg.??
ini change to just engaged la yer..sgt comel.
*pics credit to Udey Ismail, weddingchicks n enche googles..(sorry few of it dh lupe curik kt mn)
nanti saya sampai kan hajat awak pada fakrul hakimi yer.. huhu. pemilik bonsai adalah sepupu saya. saya suh die jengok blog awak yer. hehe
hahaha..u serius?? what a small world. dia my skoolmate.hehee..
wahhh bonsaiii!!!style yeh gamba2 dieee
Wahhh...canteksss sangat..Nak jugak lah gambar2 macam ni.... Tapi photographer sapa neh? tak book lagi...Habes la.... Haha
elya-pics from org lain..tp ni nk bg idea kt bonsai la ni..hehehe..
yanie-haa...xbook lg??tp i utk wedding pun xbook jgk lg..ni baru utk engage..hehehe..i think now we shud finalized the photog kan..dh april ni..nnti photog sume fully booked..erkk
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