last 2 weeks bought 3boxes of color lens at Sunway Pyramid. special price kata nya. RM43/ box. but have to buy 3 boxes to get the special price.aihh..pandai sungguh marketing kamu yer. and i bought green color (currently im wearing this one), amethyst, and sterling gray. with free solution and 2cases. last week gatai2 nk try sterling gray..n the outcome was like..emm..(alamak..tekejut my future MIL nnti)..its too try yg amethyst..and i think im gonna wear this one for my E-day..xtekejut ckit my future MIL..yeah..i'm gonna meet my future MIL for the very 1st time..have to sopan la ckit kan.hehehe..

*pics taken with my hp. sedikit low quality. above pic: amethyst, below: sterling gray
note: my power sudah increase. terima kasih bank kerna anda lah power sy sudah naik.hari2 ngadap pc mcmana xnaik power.gosh! n will cont my next entry next week. this week have to prepare for something important (which can lead some changes in my life). pray for me!!
tp sterling grey to cun,tp memang obvious la hehe x sbr tgu ur e-day! Hehe
Hi dear, you look good wearing the amethyst colored lens. By the way, i pun nak survey which color i sesuai pakai masa kahwin nanti...Sebab sekarang ni i hanya pakai brown saje... i think i nak pakai something purplish-brownish kot. Hehe.... Tapi contact lens akan nampak lain kan bila kita dah pakai?
mont-tp rs mcm nk pakai gray housemate said ok jer..hakhak..
yani- amethyst tu actually purplish sbb mata i hitam..jd xnmpak sgt..hehee
cantik laa...kiter pulak takleh pakai selalu contact lens..tak reti..kalau setakat pakai tuk event sesaja boleh laa...
nway, cantik la kaler tuu
haha ur MIL sure kejut la.hahhaha
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