Without the small ribbon i think its already cantek..but mama (u know la mother of the bride selalu mcm ni kan) insists to put this small ribbon to the card..well..during raya long leave last week..i managed to glue all the cards (almost)..but left around 50cards due to out of ribbon..sape tak dpt card yang ada ribbon tu mintak mahap..
thinking of suitable date to distribute/post the card

ja tepoh mano.lawa ok!! harga sgt menarik~ heeeeee sgt lawa!! :)
cantiknye ur card dear. ^_^ agree with u. without the ribbon pun dah cantik. ^_^
bawak esok pass to me one! heh. senang nak tunjuk to taxi driver yang pick up i kat airport nanti. haha.
taye mau kad!!!! =D
serius bawah RM1? warghh mne nk dpat tu...
cntk nyer kad kamu..mcm x caya lak harga nyer kurang dr rm1..jeles..hehe
i suka la kad yg ada emboss2 ni :D
sweet & simple..i loike babe!!
hello jaa..
jaa..comeynye kad tu n murahh..heee..dh lame xnyinggah blog kamu..bleh amek petunjuk dr sini xjaa..jd sumber inspirasi ku..hehe..
cantik, cool & kelass ! :)
care to share kat mana u buat kad ni..cantikk sgt plus affordable..
wanis, farhanna n dyn- kt LH Creative jer..hehe
SQR-a'ah..mmg tantek sgt dah without ribbon..ish mama ni..HAHA
cik belle- sile bg address!
amelyn-mau ke klate kah? moh ler..bg address!
ros,my,thal n nizabeba- hehee..percayalah! hahaha..anyway thanks! =)
lala- hehehee..sile2..
bestttnyee klo dapat gii jaaaa :(
elya- meh laa!!
heyya..im a silent reader n B2B blogger too.. i linked ur page, hope u dont mind.. :)
btw,ur card sgt chantek..i think xde ribbon pun dah nice.. :) dah la murah lak tue..nice choice.. :)
Renee Meow
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