nk mcm ni..yg ader platform. either dlm..
or luar..taktau panggil ape.hahaa..
takmau yg mcm bwh ni..bkn ape..takut sakit kaki nk jln/berdiri lama2..

pics from mr google
tp takleh yg tinggi2 sgt tau. sbb both of us sgt comel. ehehee..
p.s- abe di..pleaseee...hehehee *winkwink*
chanteks2...berangan nk kasut mcm tu juge..huhu..
i paling suka yang first tu!!!! santek lah!
i vote yg 1st, menepati citarasa
aku suke yg first n seconnd..tapi tinggi gile weii..berape inch tuh
babe, the last pic tu kan.. i saw the look alike shoes at Esarli, The Curve! br smlm aku pi tgk! hahaha...but in silver of course n not that pointy. cantik..tp aku beli hat lain yg lebih chill dan murah..kehkehkeh. n of course, d said shoes is under 100!
suka yg 1st!! canteknye!!
i loveeee the 2nd one..tapi mak erh tinggi tue..huhuhu,,
wahhh! prettayyy! =D
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