wuuu..dah lama tak update blog (sambil2 tunggu gmbr from OP). so today nk reveal psl my DIY handbouquet..dah lama jatuh cinta dgn gerbera.(entry kt sini)bak kata kechik, chicky gitu.haha..actually dah lama order..like 3mths before the wedding.ada la drama disitu..haha..biasa la. so 2days before dah pegi pick up the flowers..shocking pink for akad nikah and red for reception..
the one that inspired me

dari jauh (eceh!)

dekat sikit (tgk yg belah kanan skali tu yer)

alhamdulillah calla lilies ada..tapi..red calla lilies not available okkaiii..selamber dia spray calla lily putih tu jadi merah ala2..hahaha..buruk tak?
mau ala2 yang macam ni..
aww...kain tersangkut ke?:p
so a day before (1st day of Raya Haji), my MOH came and help me to DIY the handbouquet according to my dream handbouquet (dream la sgt)...
thanks MOH! (yg tu hantaran DIY juge..to be cont)oh ya...ribbon recycle masa engage hari tu..hahaa
awwww...cantek mek! :)
jelestgk hb jaja..cantek!
santek ar jaja..x sabar nk tggu entry DIY hantaran.. =)
Jaja, I love ur tudung nikah very mucho! tak sbr tunggu review! everything is beautiful1
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