calla lilies..jatuh chenta...for bersanding mungkin?
i prefer the flower with bright color so that nampak outstanding as i'll be wearing cream baju nikah..
for calla lilies..since i've watched the DIY video from SCR's blog..go for DIY jgk kot? HEHE..
jgn lupa order calla lilies tu in advance..nnt melepas frust pulak! :)
tahirah..honestly..i love allll of ur hand bouquet!! emm..calla lilies tu dh book actually masa raya hari tu.hehe..
love orchid!!! planning nak deco hantaran gune orchid :D
cymbidium orchid tu orchid yg biasa kiter tgk tu kan??konpius konpiusss..keekeke
ja.! aku suko cala lilies jgk! haha =)
cymbidium orchid keno tny dio la.nati aku call.tp meme mama mg keno g jgk tue.cnfrmkan nati
wahhhhhhhhh falling in love la... tak tahan lihatnya huhu
me vote for calla lilies. :) super outstanding!! DIY je :p
calla lilies!! perfecto!!
elya- tu la..nk try orkid plk..lain dr org lain ckit..hehe
wanis- nanti aku check nextweek
einz- <3 <3 ehehee..
balkidz- itu la..mmg plan DIY jer pun..hentam ajo lah
nizabeba- hehe..suke!
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