cut the story short..
1. currently drafting flow majlis utk nikah n reception, kena email mama mlm ni/ pg esk sbb dia nk p jumpa emcee esk..flow tu mtk tlg ngn Nawal.hehee.. tenkiu babe! nanti aku amend mengikut kesesuaian majlis aku..
2. wiken ni start tulis nama2 jemputan and...maybe dah boleh post kot? RSVP tau. hehe
3. Alhamdulillah doorgift deco semua dah siap! bertungkus lumus menyiapkan benda ni time cuti raya hari tu..esk mau usha nk letak apa dlm tu.hehe..naseb before balik raya hari tu aku ngn housemate aku potong riben siap2..thank you miey!! tp tak cukup lagi.hehe..

5. byk entry nk buat xsempat..yg Nawal hari tu pun tak habis lagi..ish2..tunggu deh!
ado career fair?aku nok gi etek!!thanks jaja for the info =)
slow slow jaja..insyaAllah everything will be fine. gud luck okeh. =)
hectic life will bring u the good experiences. take care sister:))
amalina- yup!!! sile pergi ok!!!haha
masmona- ishk2..makin dkt makin byk benda jer nk kena buat.hahaha..
fifiey-yup.still can tolerate with stress..SO FAR..haha.gonna miss the preparation soon!! thanks dear!
jaja bileee career fair tu?? bapa hari bulann yeh??
nway , doorgift ape tu yeh??tak bapa clearr gambooo tu :p
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