ok.lupakan kisah tadi..biar aku simpan sorg2..here some of must have shots for our wedding:
my dress, akad and reception (wajib ni)

gambar kami

my DIY handbouquet.ehem!

entrance deco

the whole view of hall..with guest and without guest

my DIY doorgift

doorgift tu kalau susun macam ni pun cantik gak

my veil

our card (takpe la murah pun)
our rings (a MUST)


credit to Udey, Ahmad Fairus, Bliss Candid, and google images
bukan apa..because that day the perantin mmg dah takleh nak concentrate nk tgk2 benda2 ni semua..so dgn adanya shot2 mcm ni..blh dijadikan kenangan plus, dah spent byk kt baju, kasut, cincin, pelamin, deco2, rugi la kalau tak capture semua tu. tambah pulak B2B kan selalu creative..suka DIY2..kenangan semua tu mesti kena ada..
to be continued...
It's good if you point these things out dkt your OP. Confirm akan puas hati dgn semua gambar... :)
nanti send gamba2 ni kt OP. pastu list a few lg yg ko nak. dun forget to say this, the rest is up to u..i believe in your artwork. cewahh..
sbb ada photographer tak suka terikat dgn certain pose yg sama. n..diorang nak rasa diappreciate keja2 diorg. so..tu kira ko ngn dia puas hati la.
mek, nnti remind me to do the same. tq.
u shud put this list before my wed! :(
banyak mende aku miss..tp mmg dah kalut gile kan..nobody shundt be blamed except me..haishhh
nak kawen lagi skali buleh?hahahahha
tahirah- itu la..gonna inform them later!
si kecil- ecewahhh..hahaa..btl3...diorg pun ada idea sendiri jgk kan..tp up to them la nk amik mcmana pun as long as benda2 yg kita highlight tu ada..hehe
amalina- alaa..time tu tak terpikir la mek..meh sanding pulak kt pelamin aku nanti! hehehe
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