it is quite some times i didnt update my experience with Bella specifically, IPL treatment for my underarms. today just finished my 4th sesh. 2 sesh left! well..seriously and honestly (gitu) i would like to recommend for ladies out there to try this bcos most of us have no time to pluck the if u shave, possibility for skin irritation is very high..sometimes its really uncomfortable with the tajam2 hair kan? hehee..kalau la ada yg duit2 lebih..maybe after u all get married ker..u dont have to waste ur time plucking/shaving ur underarms' after 4th sesh..93% of my hair ~ gone!
before IPL

after IPL (refer to the botak part)
for my previous entry pls read- here and here
oucchhh :p i takut laa..hihi..
bace entry huda dulu pasal buat brazilian wax pon dah meremang! plus i ni jenis tak banyak sgt bebulu roma, so macam tak perlu kot ;p
takottttttttttttnye!!! malauuu pun adeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D
excited jgk nk prasaan kemaluan malu2an ni menguasai diri...hehehe...
psstt..tretment yg u ambik ni means hair removel utk 1 bdn ke..trmasuk kt bhgn sulit pmpuan tu ke..(adakah ayat ni terlalu lucah..huhuu..malu2..)
balkidz- waxing tu dia akan tumbuh balik..IPL treatment last for like 3-4 years..hehe..berbaloi2..:p
elya- ala..ketiak pun malu gak ke??hehe
thumbelina- sy buat underarm jer..kalau kt bhgn sulit tu..takut sakit plk n def lagi mahal kot..hehe
haish. bestnya! tergugat i nak buat juga. haha
oi lucah!! best jek!
tapi perlu ke?? aku pun jenis xbyk bulu..
mahal tak?? *soklan paling penting*
nakal la illustration mung ni hehehe..
tu la berbaloi2 kan heheh ke? kampung tol aku tak tau. kau buat kat mane mek? bleh la aku pi survey2 jugak nie. bape session? :D
cik belle- pi buat cpt! hehehe
amelyn-bulu ketiak byk tak? HAHA..:p
anon- mung ko meklong? hahaha..berbaloooiii
balkidz- aku buat kt bella skin care tu..dkt umah jer..6sesh..
menarik cm segan pon ado..hahaha..
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