ok2..to be honest..im such hairy person..the hairs (upperlips/ arms/ underarms/ eyebrows) really annoying i tell u..my friends and fams (they also having same prob) always tease me that im a gorilla breed..kakaka..my sis call me 'anak gorilla' and i counter back and said 'u r my sis and u r anak gorilla too'..hehee..same goes to my frens (esp boys) hehee..incl my fiance..hehee..but its ok..i know it just a joke.. but for me..the bulu2 really annoys me..after some research, some surveys..i just came back from signing up for 6sessions+ 1 upper lips+ 2 whitening for *ehem*underarms*ehem* totaling RM 1xxx..and my sis has done hers in last 4-5 years..seems the result looks fine to me..ok dah..lps ni mkn megi yer kawan2..aku dh pokai. hopefully it is permanently remove from my body.hahaha..bye! and bye bye to tweezers and razors!

hello bella usj!
jaaaaaaaaaaaa menarikkkkkkkkk
soalan !..saket tak??? especially kat 'ehemm' tue..huhuhu..
wanis- hehee..menarik dih?awww...
mon- my 1st session will be on next tuesday..debar ni..gulp!
hehhee.. dulu sblm kawin i pon nak buat ni.. especially upper lips..
tp x jd sbb ongkosnye x lepas.. heheh.. kne tggu pose thn dpn br blh g kot.. heheheh..
good luck dear!!
wahhh gud luckkk! nanti share ur exp ek =)
msB...saket tak??i pon bulu2 girl;(
eein- tu la..lps byr tu mcm nk pengsan dh..i think klo buat worth kot..
amalina- definitely dear! hehee..
queen- blm buat lg laaa...next tuesday baru blh buat..hehee.but my sis ckp sakit giler time dia buat dulu2..
hahaha btol2 xsabar nk try jgk nie
so how was it? didnt see any update bout this
dayah- will update next week.stay tuned! HEHE
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