oh..no no..i went la senza midv a week after the sale started...spent almost 3hours with my bff..most of the design that i like were out of size (mine is normal size)hahaha..and all the lingerie are safe in my closet..waiting to be worn..aummm..!! (gelnya mode)
*gelnya= gatai
the list

one of them

funny thing: i went there with my bff and my FSIL(pic). kahkahkah..aku mmg bengong.xmalu punye kakak ipar.

ws it really a good sale? kne ade mmber card ke? n bigger sizes (like me yg separuh pon tak slim) ade tak? hehe..samo gelnya kito
wui wui.. syoknya shopping!
aish, tetibe berdebar.. huhu. =P
beb..Sale dia sampai bile? or ni sale sempena karnival mega sale?
sale gile ke julia hana?
gmbr di atas mcm julia hana sangattttttt
sempoi!! hahaha
kay- hehee..u shud go kay! u'll get additional discount if u have member card.
cik belle- apa yg berdebar tu?hahahaaha..kura2 dlm perahu plk..
amalina- la senza sale until end of july..cpt pegiii!!!
yaya- aku mcm nk gile dh hari tu..naseb kena behave dpn FSIL. eh? hahahaha..yaya jaat! kang jd julia hana btl2 baru tau!
mysarah- ape yg sempoi tu??hehehe..
ehh name ko bukan julia hana ke?
mati2 aku percaye as yaya asik panggil ko julia hana ..hahaha
amalina- yaya mmg jaat.yaya nk kene pukul ni.hahahaha..nama aku jauh sgt dgn julia hana tu..
dah lah..malas nak cakp apaaa
ja sgt best.next time bleh g lagie hahaha
the one that u bought tu sama dgn mineee!!!!!hahaha.. ;D
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