ok..alt of CST production in Kelantan. hahaha.. still unsure about the price..will email him. check out their work at iMoments.

i've already ask him for the quot. somehow it didnt met my budget..emm..i would say..pricey!
im not sure whether they can nego the price since both of them were my senior back in high skool..haishh..!tolong la kasi murah2!!
babe,haniff tu under photoaura aite?3k per event ek?n 1k for additional event aite?CST lak hw much?nnt pm me k..thx :)
haniff tu sedara aween..kdg2 under photohaura.hehe..nnti i msg u thru FB..
wooo 3k per event..mmg pricey!
amalina- no no..less than that.. 3k tu photoaurat jah. haniff mcm freelance ckit.
awl thn ni i tny CST production RM1.5K per event..
eein- oh ye ke?thanks! haniff tu pun lbh krg mcm tu jgk harga..kira mahal la..CST xpe sbb dh mmg establish.
tu la.. klo u nk ambik cst mmg berbaloi dgn harge die..
tp klo nak ambik videographer biase2 tp harge same mahal dgn yg dh establish sgt x berbaloi.. dulu i nak booking cst sbb dieorg free time wedding i..tp dieorg nak jumpe face2face utk discussion, memandangkan bz time tu so i minta pospone jumpe ari lain..tgk2 bile dh plan nak jumpe,ade org dh booking date sanding i.. dieorg cume free time i nikah je.. rs x berbaloi so better cari lain yg blh buat 2 event terus.
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