i heart jacky's hantaran...aww..so cute n sweet!! my plan is to DIY our hantaran..how's the outcome? just wait n see after 1st may.hakhak...seriously my hand sgt keras to do all those thing. hanya cekap menekan kalkulator dan keyboard kesayangan ku ini.haha..and me soooo ambitious to do my own hantaran.hehee last mth we went to centrepoint flower somewhere in KB to book the flowers. n we booked red roses since they can't guarantee the cream champagne roses..haishh..
and pink roses for his side (aww...). both roses definitely yg import punye bcos ia nya sgt bsr compared to local.
akan ku kurung mereka2 ini didlm bilik ku. current weather is killing me. or will kill my roses? oh tidak..mulut sile beli insurance..
wah!!fresh flower yeh??? mesti wangi nnttt.
elya nye artificial je..sebb malas nk cari fresh flower.... like artificial....ha3
tu la..budget rajin nk DIY..adei..mtk2 la sempat buat.artificial yg SSF tu ok wat.nmpak mcm real kan.
yes SSF flowers mmg the bomb babe!!
hihi..nice nice..i've link urs too.. =)
kb kat mana yek jual fresh flowers?
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