so what is the secret?
2-3 months before my bigday-
1. i started to consume ISO3- Hydrolysed Marine Collagen With Mixed Fruit Extract Blend. suggested by my big sister as she is one of the satisfied customer and thank god she's a dealer too (dpt murah sikit.hehe)
it’s a drink which I have to consume before breakfast everyday. (kena discipline di situ)
price wise- tak mahal tak murah. :p
taste wise- sedap. Rasa buah-buahan.

after the wedding, blh plk tertinggal kt umah Kota Bharu nun..haish! Tu la..seksaited sgt. Dh kawen terus lupe nak continue minum. :p
2. took 2 tablespoons of olive oil, daily..u can read the benefits here. even menses pun pimple tak naik, plus kadar pertumbuhan blackhead/ whitehead tersangat la slow..unfortunately, u cannot find the product in the KL market (pharmacy, malls, supermarket) as u have to contact this one person which based in TTDI (the dealer). well u can inform me if u need his phone number. but its highly recommended sbb its from natural source..takder tambah2 chemical ker..ape2 je lah.. and its Amy Search punye secret jgk.

taste wise- yucks! mkn minyak mana tak yucks!! hahaa..but WTH? nak sihat (precisely awet muda) n santek punya masa kawin aku demam gak sbb jangkit dgn colleague.. dugaann..
3. dont go for facial few days before ur bigday unless dah biasa pegi tempat tu.. as for me, alhamdulillah muka tak ada masalah, so scrub muka and pakai mask sendiri jer..
4. pegi Spa! a must for B2B! blh release stress la..prepare ur own wedding must be stressful..
p/s: im not a kind of person who easily convinced with the ads. bkn apa byk aku dgr product makanan/minuman ni can cause u heart cancer..wallahualam..
tambah skit point, photographer/videographer pun memainkan peranan yang penting menaikkan seri pengantin dengan shot-shot yang menarik hehehe
pasal olive oil tu aku rasa mana2 olive oil pun boleh consume. esp yang extra virgin olive oil la. sebab parents aku consume olive oil for quite some time already lepas tu kulit mak aku lagi cantik dari aku..huwaaa
imoments- hehee..btl jgk tu. kudos to OV and OP! yay!
moose- aku rasa mcm tu jgk..mana2 extra virgin oil yg blh dimkn.bkn dimasak. heh. cuma aku tak p usha lagi yg brand lain. tp seriously bagus.asal ko tak mkn gak?
ja really??wah!~keno make lonie nie!~ahaks.kulit aku sokmo prob. ala2 meklong kt.sensitip glo :( sob sob
aku cam geli2 nak telan minyak tu. tapi scott emulsion sume selambe je boleh telan. gedik kan?
oh lagi satu aku cam tak discipline bab2 nak amik supplement ni. asik lupa je
hehehehehehe..minumlah olive oil tu.. lagi satu flaxseed oil..nescaya kulit anda mulus and flawless!! wink * wink*
Kena amalkan betul2 every single day x boleh miss.. twice per day! Trust me on this :)
salam...bleh x saya nk nmbr cntc utk dptkn olive email saya ~ thanks...
good info! nak number phone jugak boleh? =) my email: sweet..
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