Yes! u really need her/ them..1 or 2 or 3 etc.. depends on your budget (ye la nak sponsor kain ni..kalau 20 org naya kau!) but i have 8 of them!
a night before we had a short meeting dekat dewan and explained them the does and don't during the majlis..banyak jugak task2 yang aku dah listkan untuk mereka i.e: sape yang handle guest, sape yang nak handle makcik2 yang dah-tanya-table-number-lepas-pegi-toilet-dia-tanya-balik 'makcik lupa la no. meja makcik, blh bagitau skali lagi?' tanpa memberitahu nama as if bridesmaid ni layan makcik ni sorang jer, sape yg handle flow majlis,sape yg pegang props etc..
introducing my floor manager, Puan Najihah..hui..tak ada dia ni..mati kutu tau!! nasib dia dah biasa dgn flow2 event ni..Thank you so much Mon (nama manja)!!
my BFF, my personal assistant (only for that day la), my MOH..24/7 dia ikut aku..nasib baik malam tu tak ikut skali masuk dalam bilik. HAHA..Thanks Wanis!! nanti your wedding aku plk yg kalut ok!
oh ya..tadi terbaca entry Elya Elmo pasal walkie talkie. so sebelum aku terlupa, aku terus buat entry ni..we have 1 pair of talkie; 1 for Puan floor manager yang duduk dekat dewan kat bawah (1st floor) and 1 for my MOH who stays with me in bridal suite (8th floor) so we know what is happening at that time even we are in suite, kecoh habis! roger roger, Wanis masuk, Wanis masuk, bola satu bola dua, pengantin jgn turun lagi, guest tak setel. HAHAHA. but seriously, memang kena guna walkie talkie utk communicate if not habis la your credit utk text and call orang..nak lari turun naik sah sah tak larat dah!
lastly, thank you..thank you..thank you infinity to all involved;
from left: Ain (mommy to be very2 soon, due this month!), Kak Husni, Amalina, Emiey (my ex-housemate), yours truly, Yuni, Wanis (MOH), Alia (ehem), Najihah a.k.a Mon (floor manager).
more about their dresses/kaftans just click here
6 years ago
i love baju & tudung dorg okeh!!cantek babe!
u r wc bebeh =)anything for u!~ oh!sgt gemok ok!! ~hhaha kene kurus dulu br bleh kawen ahakss!~ :p
welcome dear..takde do it for my Bff Wut?? wut fwens name for kan?? btw baju aku dah di oter..huhuhu so aku nampak kecik sikit..kui2 (walaupun ase dah tambah berat)
weiii!!! walkie talkieeee wehhhhhh....benda nii penting sgtt kan.takde laa person incharged dok terkejar2, berpoloh poloh passing msg...
aku kepeningan mencariii benda nii...
marvelous baju dayang2.. :)
suka dress bridesmaids. sgt HOT!
nizabeba- :) hasil kreativiti dorg la tu..hhehe
wanis- bilo nk nikoh ni?
mon-takpe..mung maintain cute!!
nashays- thanks!!
reen- HOT sbb wane merah kah?hhehee
ahaks.lmbk lg.hahaha lepah kurus aku xdok specific date ahaks :P alalalala
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