bangun2 and lepas tu (of course la mandi dulu), buat mini la, CNY ni am going to husband's place..tapi tak surprise dah sebab i already told him that im gonna make cheesecake for him..huk aloh.
the main ingredients

recipe from: Bakerella
uitss..awat kite sokmo sama jah? aiyoo..hana pon wat surprise oreo cheesecake sbb dia balik kl esok..hehehe..
esok post entry oreo cheesecake..hehehe..kalo jadik..=p
pah ni ape lg kite mau bikin eyh?
hana- ke?? ala..comel kan kita? (perasan) hana..buat la entry tu..nk tgk resipi!
mek...gamba mini ciskek tu dh siap ke?
eh lupe..jwb taggggg pat.harusssss..wajibbb..haha
ja, aku xleh nak email ko la, outlook pblem...fb ko dah xda????
yg pasal ko tnya tu, seingat aku, xda visa rasanya, sbb yang uruskan semua travel agent
nk resepi..pliisss...;)
elya- dah jawab dah!! hehe
ff- no more FB.hehee..ok2 thanks for the info..
miss ila- actually dh bg link kt bawah entry tu..nampak tak? nampak tak? or else pegi sini,
jaja nok resipi!!
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