click here to see our engagement hantaran.
so here goes our beautiful nikah hantaran:
mas kahwin (heart origami done by ex-housemate, thanks Emiey).. and duit hantaran

our beautiful hantaran DIY-ed by my MOH a day before akad nikah (kalau aku buat sorang2, memang meroyan la. tak sempat weh)..thank you so much Wanis. sangat cantik ok!

alhamdulillah, few weeks after married..ada rezeki lebih. kira post-hantaran boleh? hehe..
wooot3. dah ade speedlight. jeles aku nie. tak beli2 lagi speedlight. hari tu laki aku nak beli dah, aku ckp, "jangan! simpan untuk baby" HUHU.
rindu la kat korang :( wedding belle pun aku takleh balik. dah naik sem!
wahhh best2....owhhh cantik la hantaran ko mek!!!
cantik wohh hantaran ko!
serius cantik!
fuiyyo cam professional yg buat la..hikhik..
p/s: bole pinjam nikon tu? ahaha
adore cara gubahan hantaran tu..nmpk eksklusif je...
9west tu yg nak ;p
qish-rindu kau tauu!!a'ah simpan duit utk baby ok!! this thing can cause u a big hole in your pocket..
ff-hehe..tenkiu babe!bila nk reveal ko punye lak?
cik belle- tq!! hehe.simple2 jer..i bet urs lagi gempak!!
farhanna-:) thanks!
nizabeba-dia ada buat part time dgn bridal aunty dia tau..thats y ada bakat.hehe
nuruljannah- hehe..thank you..
lyna- amboi..nampak 9west jer yer.. :p
wah2 ja.. post hantaran sgt menarik heeeeeeeeee ;P
no prob babe :) anything for u heeee
JAJA ..hehe.nak tukar purse baru larrr.purse lamo nk kopak dosh..byk compartment tak purse nie??sb lyna ni byk card..kikiki..mcm2 jns kad dk sipey dlm purse
akak, please emel me!
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