im in KB!! baru jer dpt album from my OP, BONSAI. past few days sy sgt stress..not gonna tell in this entry..tajuk hari ini ialah~ our e-day DIY sendiri..dgn sepasang tgn keras sy sendiri tanpa bantuan tangan2 org lain..after u see the pics below..hantaran nampak mcm hantaran kawen jer..pdhal baru u can refer to my previous entry, sbb nnti wedding kami just bg yg wajib jer..hehe..btw..almost barang2 hantaran kami beli since end of year 2008..sbb nk bagi benda2 best..kami beli time sale jer and bukan beli sekaligus..tidak sama skali..kami tidak lah kaya utk membeli barang hantaran sekaligus..also refer to my previous entry, sy guna fresh sy sgt frust sbb lps bukak dia punye cover (bukak before the majlis), i found out that the petals mcm lebam2..adeii..pdhal dh simpan kt dlm bilik luckily my frens sempat buang petals yg lebam tu before the majlis started..ok la..just layan the gmbr..
left: for him, right: for me

for enche tunang

btw, sape2 nk beli songket blh inform sy the cicit one of the songket maker in KB :p

for me

btw..cute kan ribbon2 itew?hehehe..i bought it dkt kedai Take Note, The silap budget, byk extra plk..:( wasted..nevermind nnti blh recycle..hhehee..
to Cik Belle- sorry for the late entry sbb hari tu u suh i upload cpt2 my DIY hantarans before ur engagement kan..terbusy n mcm2 hal plk jadik..:)
ni yang excited nak DIY hantaran jugak ni.... cantik lah u punya!!!
chantekk!..babe, u pkai sponge yg basah ke utk fresh flowers tu?or sponge biase?
owhh..dear! super gorgeous lah hantaran u!! n dulang2 hantaran tu sumenya menikam kalbu..boleh tak email hana nak beli kat mana dulang sebegitu n pricenye?
oh wow!even d e-day hantrn sudah glemeres.cant wait for d wedding;)
hey there, congratulations on ur engagement!! sweet hantaran.
nice colour! its ok dear.. hehe. mine dah selamat di'DIY' oleh auntie2 ku. ehehe. termasuklah mama founder bonsai. hehe
zara- sile2..DIY sgt best dan puas hati..hehee
amalina- i rendam sponge dulu..lps tu baru gubah2..hehee
hana- i xbeli la bekas hantaran tu..xmampu..i sewa jer..
queen- jer hantaran yg kami bg..nnti kawen xder dah..uhuukk..
nahwal- tenkiu! :)
cik belle- hehee..cpt upload gmbr pls!!
cntikla hantran uol...simple tp classy..this is what i like..=) honestly, i like
cantek2 hantaran u :) mmg berbaloi kan if diy sndri. cuppies tuh nmpk sangat sedap oke *drooling*
huiyo? diy ke tuh? salute la u cik rama-rama. serios dangat cantik okeh? tahniah sangat- sangat. beautiful event!
huhu..hana pun tak mampu lah kalo cmtu! hehe..sewa kat mana? berapalah yea sewanye?
u beli bekas utk letak sponge ek?or just wrap it pkai aluminium foil? i pon ingat nak pkai fresh flowers, tp takut abis barang hantaran basah nanti..huhuhuhu
btw, u cicit cik minah songket ek? :)
azira- hehee..tenkiu!xsia2 tdo lmbt.
hazlin- skali ni jer..nikah nnti dh xder..uhukk..
masmona- heeee...cuppies itu sgt sedappp!!! rs nk pegi beli lg!
hana- if sewa, murah la..rm15-rm25 sebijik..i sewa kt klantan jer..
amalina- suppose kena wrap dgn aluminium i punye sponge naked..hahaha.last2 lapik dgn kertas jer takut basah..sbb lupa psl aluminium foil tu..mmg DIY sungguh.
emm..pandai u teka.hehe..ada kenal sape2 ker?
takde kenal i penah beli kain tenun kat sane..even my future MIL pon beli kain hantaran kat situ :)
baru pasan entri ni..cntik gle hntrn..nmpk eksklusif! ;)
lor..cicit minah songket ke???hihi..ececece..mcm kenal je bunyiknye..tapi mungkin family hana kenal kot..kami family Hazel Silk House kat KB nun..hehehe..owh, kalo sewa kat kelantan murah, camtu nak sewa kat kelantan je laa..mcm teringin nak sewa dulang pahar yg emas tu laaa...hihi..boleh bg contact or link org yg sewakan tu tak? tq!
saya suka dulang emas tu.. sewa ke?
amalina- oh ye ke?hehehe..gud2!
dd- hehee...tenkiu dear.
hana- mcm knl la owner Hazel..sbb dia geng superbike kan?
cik belle- sy sewa jer dulang tu..nk beli mcm membazir jer..hehee
yup..u'r definitely correct! hehe..mmg geng superbike.kenal la mknanye ngan aunty & uncle hana eyh?? =)
cantek hantaran tu... walaupon buat sendiri, tapi chantek gile. good job!
Chantek semua and cam seronok dengar orang DIY their weddings etc. And yours turned out to be superb. I was interested when you said you boleh tolong recommend tempat nk cari songket. Kedai family you kat ane ek? oh BTW saya pon ore kelate gops. Tgh mencari samping tuk cik abe. My wedding in a month. -_-"
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