since ramai yg tanya kan..u guys can browse thru their website 1st..and ni add diorg:
K.L. Office:-
No. 52, Jalan Puchong Mesra 1,
Plaza Puchong, Batu 7 1/2 Jalan Puchong,
58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +60 3 80763311
Fax: +60 3 8076330
i thought its located dkt dkt jln klang lama rupenye..address dia jer puchong.ok aku fail bab geography/kajian tempatan..hahaha..
after Adda informed me the existence of the shop..i pun terus beremail dgn diorg..initially i was looking for this round jar and ask them the cost. and they said its only ~RM0.70/ unit. murah ok!!

ni cth yg aku tgk hari tu which cost ~RM0.70..suitable B2B yg nk bg jam/etc..
so compared to the boxes which ppl gonna throw it, yg ni atleast diorg blh guna blik..buh spices ker..biskut ker..sweets ker..hehee. so price is fair for me la..then we went to their showroom..cari yg round jar tu..then i tgk mcm botol jem plk (my first impression tgk kt botol tu) cari yg lg cun..i saw the hex jar. then the person in charge kata its only RM1/unit for the small jar and the bigger size tu pun RM1/unit jgk. tiba2 mcm lost..xtau nk beli brapa ketul.hahaha..bongok. last2 sapu semua yg ada dgn diorg..tu pun xcukup lg..ok..gud luck my dear frens!
oh ya..mine is;
RP28: height- almost 3inches from the lid to bottom, diameter- 2inches
RP29: height- 3inches from lid to bottom, diameter- 2.5inches
70sen? murah lah u!!! value buy!!!
tq dear 4 d info..nk carik jugak laa..hmm tp nak ltk apee yekk?huhuhu xleh tgk bnda kiut. gedik semacam hahah
murah giler!!!
klo tmbh sedikit deco baru abis singggit lbh je..
ambik2... confirm org x buang
thank u sooo much! harus ajak mak pergi minggu ni! yeayyy!!!
70sen jer..??!! siyes..??!! murah nyer.. n kaLo rajin ley wat jadi bertambah cantik..!!memang berbaLoi2...~ kaLo i tak setel lagi i nyer doorgift mesti i dah beLi ni jer...oowwhh..suker..!!
waahhh..berbaloi-baloi harga dia..doorgift yg mmg menepati bajet..hehe.. =)
wah wah..seronok nya... omg!! this is ssooooo cantik..:)
zara- hehe..murah sgt kan?
ell- cari jgn xcari..emm..blh letak kurma/buah zaiton/chocs/sweets/cookies..etc etc.hahaha
eein-a'ah..rsnya campur isi dlmtu almost rm2 still consider cheap sbb blh letak byk dlm botol tu..xnmpak cheapskate sgt..hehehe
nawal- no problem dear. tp saturday dia bkk smpai kul 1 jer tau.
aty- oh..u nyer dh setel eh??good! blh goyang kaki.hehee
hana- mmg menepati budget i.hehehee..
thezaila- a'ah..kena deco santek2 la ni ..baru menarik..
hrga yg sgt murah & berpatutan.. maklumlah, b2b mmg nk cr yg cntk, sweet but hrga berpatutan..
idea y bernas :)
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