remember my post regarding the mini jar? thanks to Adda.. !!mmuahh!!hehee.. n my fiancé went to Quality Pack located at Jln Klang Lama.. these what we've found..RM1/ unit for the small n the bigger size of the jar/bottle.. now i just need to deco these mini bottles with TQ tag and cute ribbons..any idea what to fill in in these bottles? kisses? cookies?idea pls.. heheee..

marshmallow! bole beli in bulk and murah and comel jugeee! hehee. atau beli coklat bulat-bulat tuh yang timbang tuh. haish, tatau u tau ke tak coklat tu. hehe. i ske beli kat famous amos, 100g=rm5.50. ade yang filling strawberry la blueberry la macam2.. hehe. white choc mungkin pilihan menarik!
unfair to england is equivalent to ultimate fairness
mcm nak carik jugak je mini jar ni..agak2 muat x klu ai letak epal?hahaha;D
that is so nice!! u can fill it up with beryls chocs, they sell in bulk per kg, buy from their factory in serdang. cadbury always have facs sale and network food in shah alam also sells choc for lower price, their sales are always on thursdays. then u can put a sticker with ribbons. i love this diy!!
care to share the exact location dear?
nicee..where i can find those??
tinggi mane ek jar ni?
cookies..!! or choc may be... :)
cikbelle- good idea yg chocs tu..hehe..nk kene cari tempat yg blh beli choc timbang tu plk.hehee..
elya- alamak!!am not a fan of world cup/football..hehee
ell- xmuat kot!hehee..bottle yg bigger size tu lbh krg 3inch diameter..
nahwal- beryls?? good idea! blh pegi sana sesuka hati ker? nnti pak guard xbg masuk.hehee..
amalina- the small one lbh krg 2inch for diameter n tggi lbh krg 2.5inch kot..their website,
aty- cookies pun one of my consideration jgk xtau cookies kt mn blh dpt yg sedap2..
babe..! dapat hex bottle! woahh...best2...i tanya hr tuh dia kata habis..hampehs..anyway gudluck DIY ing! muacks!~
buat cookies sndri.choc chips!heee^_^
adda- yayyy!! thanks to u dear! actually i baru beli half..sbb xbyk dlm stock.lagi half dh order..u x order ke?
missnona- i wish i have my own oven dkt umah skrg ni..kalau ada la kan..sure buat sendiri lah!hehee
cantekk.. boleh share alamat kedai tu tak?
i hr tuh sj je wat inquiry..kehkeh..
yg u beli ni berapa ml punya?
tgk kat website dia the smallest is 45 ml.
u punya yg mana?
adda- org klantan cakap..'gelnya' hehehe..
me- dear, check my latest entry.
nawal, thanks for the info pasal choc tuh! aku nak pergi nanti. suke makan coklat timbang-timbang ni. hahaha. network food kat seksyen bape nawal? share please.. =)
adda meme gelenya! ahaha.
cik belle- a'ah..nawal thanx! network food dkt2 area toyota nyer HQ tu.xtau seksyen muskil la..blh pegi mcm tu jer ke?
miss butterfly, do you mind to share with me kat mana nak beli this mini jar? and how is the experience dealing with them? boleh tak? sebab i memang tengah cari jar macam ni.... thanks for sharing anyway dear... kalau you have time, appreciate if you can share in e-mail. my email Thank You dear.
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