my bff emailed me these!mcm cantek jgk (the head accessories) all the usherette mesti kena pakai la baru nmpak cantek..n i think DIY kot..any idea how to make this comel head accessories? since they all gonna wear the kaftan which i posted in my previous entry (hah! so what about the lace??did i bought new kain for them?? sooon im gonna make that entry ok), rs mcm seswai x dgn accessories kt kepala ni??

pics from my bff, is it from mr google babe?
oh! sgt santek bkn??
2 entries in 1 nite..sgt bagos!!
i cnt remember~ haha maybe from fb kowt ngaahah :D
but chantek aite? sy sgt suke.calling for ain calling for ain.haha camne?ok nggak? :p
wow..chantiknye... i loikeee =)
i think i have seen this pic.. from nikerwanroseli.blogspot kot rsnya
he made all baju for the pengapit...maybe the hair band pon included
girls like me- hehe..i loike too..
journey of a lady- ke? nnti nk usha xmampu la nk mtk dia tlg buat..nk try google kot2 blh DIY
i rase pnah tgk DIY utk veil pendek kat blog huda:
(tgk yg birdcage veil)
design dia cam lebey kurang dgn yg dlm pic tu..maybe u bleh tiru sket2 dari situ
amalina- thanks for the info..nnti diusahakan..yeahh!!!!
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