helo kawan2..hari ni the whole day (hari ni on leave yer) i've been googling for their dresses on my reception nnti..humm..actually my mom already bought the kain during her Jakarta trip last March..initially my idea was like to ask my dear BFF to make typical kurung modern..or kebaya..
the lace lbh kurang mcm ni la..but definitely not black..tp since 2-3mths ago i was eyeing on the kaftan/modern jubah type for the bridesmaids..today kowkow punye google..these are some that really make my heart melt..hehee...
wedding of tokei wondermilk (btw..i;ve met her at the shop..she is so cute n petite), pic courtesy of Fad Manaf 
from en google

from my bff,wanis..from en google also kot.

these 3 from en google.
now, the problem is..the kain already bought..then mcmana nk buat baju mcm ni??adey..sobs sobss..because i think that this kind of pattern/style..the most suitable material is chiffon kot? then mcmana dgn kain lace iteww??uwaaa..!!!any idea my dear frens??
p/s: i still owe an entry for my e-day review..bile nk buat ni..haishh..
ja.sgt suke weeeeeeeeee :)
i tak dapat lah nak imagine dengan lace. biasa nya kalau baju cam ni kain dia mesti flowy flowy kan?
btw. hunny madu punya bridesmaids pon pakai cam ni kan?
yela..it will b weird doing the kaftan using laces..nothing much u can do i guess..=(
wanis- keno wk diskusi nih.
zara- aha...hunny madu tu merah kaler..adoi..pening dh ni..
queen- thts y la..or else beli kain lain ler..kain tu wat baju raya.hahaha..
sgt cun,tapi u need 5 mtr jugak la..dr pinggang ke bwh u lining dgn lace tue,tp kena buat jenis yg ada pinggang la..dia akan meleret cket kebelakang..dpn ke nampak side kiri kanan lace,pinggang buat beads cket..
babe, OMG sgt cantik d dress (tetibe terigat kat uptown jual dress cenggini afforable ncantik giler kot)..well..u can still buat d dress kut..beli ciffon yg murah2 skit..tp patch kan dgn lace yg u dah beli tuh as the pattern instead of beads..ok gak kot? hihi...ehh tp nanti terlebih glamer plak ur bridesmaid..huhu..
mon- 4.5meter cukup kot?
adda- hehee..sgt cantik kan?i nk pakai camni jgk blh?(ngade2)hehee..btw..uptown mane u tgk?
eh mestila bole! bridezilla rules! hehe..i tgk smlm kat uptown danaukota..tp tak chiffon la..macam kain jersey gitu..(bridesmaid je pun kan..ehhehe jahat i)tp bead dia lawa..oh n hr tuh i tgk kat ground level SACC mall, ada gerai dekat bodyshop jual baju2 macam kaftan (mcm chiffon) with chunky beads kat bwh bust..harga 399 kot..tp lawa la kott..do check that out..! :)
hi jaja,
kaftan mmg so cantik kann? mcm adda ckp, guna lace utk patch kan and tambah beads pd lace tu.
dah tgk gmbr tunang kamu.sgt comel
nak dimple satu.eh?
ye maybe lace tuh bole buat patch kat baju.. tp tuhla, dah banyak lebih pulak nanti kan...
ADDA (eh capslock plk)- danaukota??mak aih..jauh la dear..uhukk.. :( yg sacc mall tu maybe blh g usha..hehe..thnks for the info..
cik yaya- oh..malu..tp tenkiu..hehe..nah!!amik satu dimple i!
cikbelle- if nk patch rs nye xbley la..rugi nnti..lace tu 4meter..membazir jer kan klo curi2 ckit mcm..tgk la ada rezeki lbh beli kain lain..uwaaaa
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