8.30am ready to go to N Touch Bridal in KB. My MUA ni mmg xpegi umah org..unless u rent their pelamin..so..pg2 dh pegi kedai dia for the make up..here some of the pics-


sambil menunggu rombongan enche tunang sempat lg bergosip..

hoh..dh sampai pun..

eh? gosip jgk?

malu2 kucing..
sy xtau ape diorg bergosip kt luar sbb sy kena sorok kt dlm bilik..uhukk...sedeyh..tiba2 dtg my aunty suh kuar sambil pesan..'jln pelan2 yer'.. and i was like..jln pelan2 tu caner ek?sori..slalu pegi keje..shopping..jln laju jer..hakhakk..

tp yg sedih..after my future MIL sarungkan cincin utk sy..n by the time my dad nk sarung cincin kt enche chenta..my aunty tu tiba2 suh i msk dlm bilik balik..aduhh..dh la time tu sy mcm xtau nk pegi mn kan..sbb semua org nengok kt i yg santek ni haa..hahaha..i plk ikut jer ape yg my aunty cakap.i supposed to sit somewhere kt situ la...adoiii..!! lps ni xnak org yg tup2 muncul then sibuk2 jer nk arah itu ini.menci! ah..layan jer gmbr ni ok kawan2.

actually kesian kt my tunang neh..baju dia sgt la bsr.. (ha..tu la xpegi fitting dulu..hehe)..luckily he managed to hide the flaws.hikhik..thats my tunang! pandai ye kamu!
ok.sumpah dup dap dup dap time nih.

perasan artis jap..

enche chenta pun nk jgk?

sile2..tambah lg yer.

oh..sudah engaged!!yay!

my bff..see our shadows..sgt la panas!!naseb gmbr santek.

haha..ni doorgift.cupcakes by Wondermilk..sbb guest xramai so..ok laa...(sambil pejam mata sambil imagine notes $$$ melayang) and im gonna make another entry for this..so many boxes i had to carry..i took flight ms blik KB hari tu..n semua ni hand-carried okeh.semangat! tp kan i prefer to buy their cupcakes yg kt kedai diorg tu..compared to yg order punye..sbb yg order xbyk flavor..
and ada a few things yg terkilan sedikit..entry lain ok. dh ngantok dh..

anyway..cant wait for the album.. nnti dpt album siap la u ol..muntah darah tgk gmbr i upload nnti.sbb byk sgt kot?hahaha..gelak jahat.
happy long weekend kawan2! im off to Kota Tinggi tomorrow..utk ape yeh??tgguu... (oloh..byk nya entry nk kena buat nih)
perfect n gojes!
doakan sy xnebes sgt nt... :P
dear, i love ur veil! dah banyak kali dah cakap ni. ehehe. dear, update tentang hantaran please.. ehehe. saya harus diy jugak untuk hantaran. nak korek-korek idea. tihihi
ur mekap looks nice! maybe org yg ckp tebal tu tak besa tgk u pkai mekap kot..btw, sape yg mekap that day?kak la or her daughter?
woww!! everything looked sssooo beautifuuuulllll! congratsss!!
i pun suka ur veil lah...buat kat mana yang?
sis...cantik laa ur veil!!~i sukeee...thinking to make a veil for my e-day gak..tapi tak tahuuu nak labuh mcm mana....berapa meter yeh veil mcm ni?? u gune chiffon yeh?
both of u sepadan lah dear. sama cantek sama padan gitu. huhu!
didie-hehe..tenkiu..xpe..nebes yg gembira!dont wory.
cikbelle-hehee..xsia2 susah2 menampal diamond tu..hehe..tenkiu..ok hantaran tu nnti buat entry lain.tgguu..
amalina-mmg i xbiasa makeup..slalu sempoi jek.hehe..K.La yg make up i..just an advice la..jgn amik dgn anak dia.my fren penah makeup dgn anak dia..nmpak mcm garang ckit..
si kecil- :) tenkiu..
yanie- tempah kt tailor jek.hehe..murah.
elya-hehe..rasanya dlm 1.5meter jer kot.i pakai kain crypt (btl ke eja nih) chiffon pun blh jgk kot..
masmona- hehe..ye ke?malu...(:p) tq~
terpukau dgn veil itu jugak!!hihi
hey cik dimple!
igt julia hana tadi :p teehee
cantik lahhh
hee hee..manatau keje hsbc ni?konpuis ai :p
tu keje dlu..interview tu utk rhb kuantan ;p
*mintak2 dapatttt..HAHA..sempat
hana- oh..veil magic nih!!hehehe
yaya- amboi2 byk ko punye julia hana..emm..ai baca kt ur previous entry la...oh..rhb??hehe..nnti blh share satu company la ek..:p
too bad..i will have her daughter as mua for my akad nikah..sebab second day raye, kak la still cuti..so her daughter will replace her
mekap dia akan nampak kite jadi garang or her daughter tu garang?
tp kak long tu mmg nampak tegas sket..she looks so sweet, tp if nak discuss ape2 ngan dia mmg agak sedikit cuak..coz gaye dia cam tegas n sgt firm..takut jugak..hahahha
p/s: weekend ari tu baru pegi kat ntouch..sume dah finalize..happy sgt!
amalina- humm...bkn anak dia yg garang..but the makeup..maybe u can show her the contoh? try google from mana2 MUA then give her some idea..nnti i tunjuk gmbr my fren during her akad nikah..for me nmpak mcm garang la..
missbutterfly : woho! u look so gojes. like butterfly lah! hee. congrats dear :)
N Touch Bridal ni kat mana yek? I am looking for MUA for my engagement. your makeup macam nice la. too bad I am out of malaysia now so susah nak survey.
tau tak bridal lain y makeup die lawa2 kat area kb?
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