this pic from en.google
yes!!!its a spa voucher at Javapuri@TTDI (nnti nk google map)..td dah call for appointment. i'm going there this sunday..yayy!!! (ye..sy sgt jakun..this is my 1st time nk p spa.hahaha.jgn gelak!) thank you so much frens; wanis, ain, emiey and mar..they are my highskool frens..kita kawan smpai mati yeh? except yg sorg tu..hakhak..
this one from my uni. buddies..slalu study skali..lepak dlm bilik diorg..oh..rindunyerr...thanks mon, alia, n yuni..kita kawan smpai mati jugak la eh? tp..buku ni sy xsempat baca lg..nnti sy baca ok!

kita sahabat dunia akhirat! Huhu bacalah buku tu sblm kawen..ada sambungan tau hehe
sweetnyer kawan-kawan kamu. hehee. best tak buku tuh? macam menarik aje. tihihi
A'ah lah... sweetnya diorang. u must be a good friend to them as well :)
haha ja!! glad tht u love tht voucher!! yeap! kita kawan smp mati meh!! :) ngehehe
ja aku rase xleh ikt mg g spa.so sorry dear! i got meeting as usual.maybe next time :) hehehe
mon- xdey lg ni..nnti btl2 free baru blh feel..hehhee..
cik belle- ala..i xbaca lg la..nnti abis baca i buat review okeh?
zara- diorg sweet mcm gula2..hehee..
wanis- hehee..ala..mung ni sokmo doh meeting..bilo tau nk dating..hehe..
hahaha i will bebeh.eh jiming ajok tngk movie.mau?
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