hi kawan2..kembali kita ke rancangan membebel..hahaha.. last weekend adalah weekend yg panjang..enche tunang balik KB utk settle hal2 utk majlis sebelahnya nnti..so sy pun mcm xtau nk buat hape..3hari cuti sgt panjang jgk utk lepak bersahaja..my housemate asked me to go with her to Kota Tinggi, Johor. her colleague's wedding rupanya..it was unplanned trip for me.cpt2 pack baju, 2am baru tdo..on friday kitorg bertolak lbh kurang 9am..traffic dkt Seremban highway mcm slow jerr...byk kete..around 3pm baru smpai dkt Kota Tinggi..so..layan the pics okeh!
before akad nikah

akad nikah on friday evening tu jgk..and the reception the day after..

pergi mlk ketika ketiadaan sy.sigh :(
hehee..i know u were in kl most of the weekend..kitorg pegi time weekend..so camano tuh?
1st time view blog jaja...rs mau kawin jgak...weeeeeeee...thehehe ;p
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