This special entry is dedicated to my BFF..her wedding was on March belek2 album jumpa la album wedding ijin yah!!hehehe..her beautiful kurung moden modern was made/tailored by Man dlm gmbr ni xnampak sgt the details.. :( -sigh-.. her MUA for akad nikah was my (engagement) MUA's daughter..and MUA for reception was the mother who is my MUA la..complicated x?huhuu.. theme nye sgt and gray..
after akad(masjid)..senyum lebar yer kamu..

kt rumah dah.pls ignore the style of my tudung..baru bljr nk pakai tudung okeh!

oh..ini pun after akad..(masjid)

the DIY hantaranss..

see the baju..with the lace patches.awww..

ok.this is the baju designer (on yellow baju melayu)..Wan Huzairil..if u bought Nona March 2010..there were some of his collections in the magz. pls check out..luckily he is senang nk bincang n mtk dia balik kampung utk uruskan everything.hehee..his brother, Wan Huzaidi (yellow tees) is doing the pelamin/planner/everything..soon im gonna hire them too..*praying hard* insha Allah..

the pelamin also from them (they used fresh flowers)

the veil also patched with lace

hoh. dgn wheel loader pun blh jd creative!

Semua nya cantek..may Allah bless u both..bile nk dpt baby? (sile jgn stress) hehehe..emm..sile ready baju utk jd bride's maid sy pulak..hehehee
p/s: we have been engaged for 1 u my prince!
I am not alert at all about the designer from my state..hahah bila baca entry u nie baru terasa macam, kena selak2 magazine nie..kot2 ader designer dari sini..
yerlah, nak kawin sekali seumur hidup, teringin jugak pakai baju designer..hihihi
thanks for this entry, masuk checklist nanti..hihi
me wans dat baju nye color!!! n yups, tractor itu nmpak ensem
i pernah browse thru wan huzaidi punya fotopages, pelamin die cantek2 juge. senang if ade pakej dari baju ke pelamin eyh.. 2-2 pun dari yang pakar. bagus.
haha ja..aku tnggu ain nye baby gak :D weeeeeeeeee
Q- ape lagi??cari cpt!!!!hehee
kay- oh no!!!r we going to share same theme again??hahaha..same taste la kita eh..
cik belle- ha..tu kt fotopages tu diorg xupdate sgt la..susah nk tgk design latest..
wanis- tgguuu...!!
huiyo! her grey wedding dress - sangat lah cantik!
oh sy sgt gemok time nie!~ haha
subhanallah..dress kawan u mmg cantik sgt
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