cant u believe that semua ni i hand carried ms nk blik kelate for my engagement tempoh hari!!! sgt gigih sy..sampai stewardess tanya.u nk buat ape cupcake byk2 ni..n siap tanya lg where did i bought these..and she amik the address..haha..kelakar la flight attendant tu..
yg atas n kanan bwh tu individual cuppies with individual box=50 pcs

then 2 boxes for our hantaran..and 1 box just utk spare.hehe..

sorry for the low quality pics. those were from my hp.i hate it.
sgt berat ok!
waahh! meleleh air liur. ahaha. wondermilk punye cupcake memang terbaik lah! care to share how much per cuppie untuk individual box tuh x? tihihi
wahhh..comelnyerrr...i mcm pernah nmpk box i lupa kat mana ntah..haha...u beli kat mana ek??
yea lah u..share sket price nye..menarik okeyh!
tgk this cute cuppies, rase lapa la pulakk..sure sedap gilee..
i wanna know the price too..agak2 if letak as hantaran utk nikah aci tak?or tak sesuai?
cik belle- i dh email u..hehe
my life- rs nya box tu ader jual kt bakeries pun maybe ader kot.
hana- alamak.nk jgk?meh email add!
amalina-eh..xsalah pun if nk letak as hantaran..comel jer..bak sini ur email.
hehe..this my email add..
tq babe!
here's mine:
girls..i dah email
mau tau juge price boleh???
ni email
thanks.. =)
adoii..meleleh air liur tgk cuppies2 ni....
kat mana u beli dear...?
updateee lehh :D
elya- those were from wondermilk..nyum2..
hai!im ur silent reader..just nak tau quotation utk cupcake..bole share tak?!
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