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hunting for wedding ring
hehe.. :) wiken yg sgt happy. yiipiyayy!!! blh date ngn enche tunang..thanks dear..lps hari selasa tu everyday mimpi buruk..:( ok.berbalik kpd cerita sambil ngedate ngn enche tunang..we went to pavilion..smbil2 cari the wedding ring..kitorg pegi Tiffany and Co. (poyo) hakhak..saje jer msk..biler lg nk msk usha2..mcm berkenan princess cut plk (previously usha yg round cut) belek2 punye belek. within our budget ialah 0.24c..f color..clarity xsure yg princess cut dkt Tiffany and Co. so jln2 lg..pegi DeGem plk.. kitorg mls nk survey..just bgtau whats our budget then diorg bg..kt sini mcm dpt lg better in term of carat and color; 0.3 something and D color..humm..ok enuff for that day.pening dh.. so td pegi The Garden..jumpa Selberan..(mcm jumpa org plk yer)..tiba2 dia tunjuk yg emerald cut plk.weh!!! rare jgk ni! aku memang suka benda rare.hahaha..dia tunjuk 0.42carat and Fcolor xsilap sy..but slightly over than our budget..then i was like 'i think this one is too big for me' (bodoh kan?) dia pun cakap..'once u wear it n get married..then u feel its too small for u' x ye jgk..humm..camano ni.. confuse sudah..round cut mungkin berkenan princess cut or emerald plk..adeh..lps ni xtau la cut ape lg yg bekenan.tolon sy!!
left; emerald cut
right; princess cut
dear..u beli white gold yerrrr
elya- xbeli lg la..tgh survey ni..tgh pening.too many choices out there..hehee
God i love the ring on the right. Love the filigree below the prong or claw or whatever u call it. hehehe.
Where is it from? I already ask for custom made tapi kalau ready made lagi murah, y not kan?
emerald cut tu cun hehe..but its up to you..beli yg memang confirm pakai me,gelang tu kejap pakai,kejap idak..haha..E-ring pun aku jarang pkai skrg..pkai cincin merisik pilih la btoi2..slamat memilih!
zara-hehe..i google jek yg ni..just nk show the diamond yg u bekenan tu mmg santek..
mon-tu la..tgh pk nih..survey pah ceroh..hehe
haha 2-2 lawa ja.haha kalu aku pg pening! sigh!~ hahaha chayok2 :D survey lg
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