entry xpuas hati and not related to wedding stuff. tmpt aku keje ni ada leave roster..so kitorg budget2 la bila nk amik cuti..for the whole year. ape?how to plan leave for the whole year? if ada emergency..how? aku xsure la company lain macamana..
the situation is like this-
early June- aku dh tanda 5hb (aku dh lupa date yg sbnr). and my colleague xtanda date tersebut. tiba2 dia apply dulu and it was approved without any hessitation (encik boss terchenta..bluerk!).. after that aku baru la nk apply. tiba2 dia bising. helo! aku dh tanda kt leave roster tu. n aku dh beli tix la. by right aku yg btl kan.dia xyah nk bising la. last2 dia terpaksa approve my leave..padan muke.
this week- aku xtanda pun sekian date kt leave roster tu..aku pun apply la cuti..tiba2 bos aku tgk balik dkt leave roster tu and then supposed 2org lg yg patut amik cuti on that day. tp diorg xapply lg which is the same case mcm last month..cuma situation aku mcm colleague aku ms early June tu. dia bising jgk! wtf? ms colleague aku apply dulu asal ko xcheck jgk leave roster tu?pdhal aku dh tnda awal2..tp last2 aku jgk yg kene.. ni pun aku jgk yg kene.bodoh x?
dh la suka ckp bahasa diorg. feels so isolated. sape nk offer aku keje lain?
6 years ago